by Music Celebrations | Aug 7, 2019 | Austria, Blog |
“Academy Awards to Music Celebrations International (MCI)! MCI’s integrity still rings true for us. You wrote the book on patience and kindness and your integrity is a model for other tour groups to emulate. You have never lost track of your mission of bringing...
by Music Celebrations | Aug 5, 2019 | Austria, Blog
Chamber Chorus’ European Concert Tour (Austria) was the trip of a lifetime! Music Celebrations International (MCI) knocked it out of the park! Thrilled with the execution of the tour. Would do it all again in a heartbeat. Traveler feedback was strong and it was...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 29, 2019 | Austria, Blog, Germany
“Our trip was fabulous and I can’t thank you all enough for helping to make it a reality for the kids. Everything was amazing and worked out smoothly. The MCI team was absolutely fantastic. I’ve never worked with a more responsive, caring,...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 25, 2019 | Blog, Britain
“I was incredibly surprised with the amount of both sightseeing and singing opportunities we had. I was incredibly impressed by the way that the Wesley sights were woven into the itinerary. I was worried that my request for both a Wesley heritage tour AND a...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 24, 2019 | Blog, Festivals, Washington, DC
“Thank you for all your hard work on our behalf in getting this tour organized. The performance was AMAZING! The patriotism and emotions felt at the venue were reflected in our performance and the success of the concert. Being able to work with Dr. Jessop and be...