New York City Delights!

New York City Delights!

“MCI exceeded my expectations with our last tour, and has done it again with this tour. Our team’s support at every step of the way helped to make our itinerary run smoothly and comfortably. We fell in love with the city of New York, and made memories that...
The CCO’s Carnegie Debut

The CCO’s Carnegie Debut

“Kudos to everyone at MCI on organizing a wonderful tour! I cannot begin to explain the experience for our musicians. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime artistic experience for many of our folks. The feeling of performing in Carnegie Hall was akin to being...
Phenomenal Tour to New York City

Phenomenal Tour to New York City

“Thank you so much for making our NY trip possible. It was a fantastic experience for everyone in our group!  The hotel was great, our meals were well-planned, the sightseeing schedule and pacing was perfect, and our local guide was PHENOMENAL.  He knew...