by Music Celebrations | Jul 25, 2017 | Baltics, Blog
The Women’s Voices Chorus recently returned from touring the Baltic States and performing in the American Celebration of Music concert series. The respective capital cities of Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius all boast breathtaking scenery and artistic traditions that...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 25, 2017 | Blog, Germany
The First Presbyterian Church of Fresno Choir, under the direction of Dr. Julie Carter, returned from a 10-day tour to “Luther Land”, where the choir performed in celebration of the life and contributions of Martin Luther. Each year, Music Celebrations is blessed to...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 24, 2017 | Austria, Blog
The First Presbyterian Church of Huntsville Choir and the Huntsville Master Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Patricia Hacker, toured Austria to perform in the Salzburg Choral Festival and to sing in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. Dr. Hacker reports: ...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 24, 2017 | Austria, Blog
The Corvallis First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir recently returned from touring Germany, performing in the Luther 2017 Choral Festival in the Berliner Dom. Read what Carol Nelson reports: “Music Celebrations International [MCI] is MY company! I just...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 24, 2017 | Blog, Germany
The Frederick Chorale of Maryland, directed by Mr. Douglas C. Cox, returned from a 10 day tour to Germany where the Chorale performed as part of the Luther 2017 Choral Festival Chorus (commemorating 500 Years of Reformation) in the Berliner Dom, and on their own...