by Music Celebrations | Oct 8, 2015 | Austria, Baltics, Britain, Czech Republic, Festivals, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, News, Poland, Portugal, Spain
You know all the benefits of a European concert tour. Maybe you went on one while in college, or you’ve heard from your colleagues about their remarkable life-changing experiences. Or, you used to plan them all the time before switching to a new school or...
by Music Celebrations | Nov 13, 2014 | Austria, Czech Republic, Festivals, Ireland, Italy, News
All choir, band, and orchestra directors interested in taking their ensembles on a concert tour to Europe in 2016 are invited to join us on one of our three Director Preview tours next summer. This is a terrific opportunity to see what their groups will experience,...
by Music Celebrations | Aug 11, 2014 | Germany, News
The Magical Strings of Youth, the renowned violin ensemble of the Betty Haag Academy of Music in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, recently returned from a successful tour of Germany. Director Betty Haag-Kuhnke summarizes some of their experiences and best moments of their...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 31, 2014 | Italy
The Davis Baroque Ensemble, directed by Angelo Moreno, toured and performed as part of the American Celebration of Music in Italy, June 23-July 2, 2014. Performances included a concert at Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena in Cremona, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà in...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 29, 2014 | Germany, News, Poland
The Las Vegas Youth Philharmonic of Las Vegas, Nevada, recently returned from a tour of Germany and Poland. “St. Katherine’s church in Krakow was an incredible venue with acoustics that sent chills through our musicians and fueled the passion for an...