by Music Celebrations | May 30, 2018 | Blog, Britain, Ireland
“Thanks to all at Music Celebrations International [MCI] for excellent communication through the planning process. I absolutely noticed, with great appreciation, that this seemed like a team effort throughout the tour from many vantage points and was a cohesive...
by Music Celebrations | Mar 26, 2018 | Blog, Ireland
“Overall FANTASTIC TRIP! We have memories that will last a lifetime. The people we interacted with in Ireland were very nice. I would recommend groups to go Ireland because the people are so welcoming! Great communication with my MCI Team. It was great that they...
by Music Celebrations | Sep 7, 2017 | Austria, Blog, Britain, Greece, Ireland
“The Orange Community Master Chorale has toured with Music Celebrations International [MCI] on five different occasions to Austria, Britain, Greece, Ireland, and Montreal. Knowing John Wiscombe (owner & president of MCI) for over 18 years now, I have every...
by Music Celebrations | Sep 7, 2017 | Austria, Blog, Britain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New York City, Washington, DC
“Music Celebrations is my preferred concert tour partner. For over 17 years, I have collaborated with John Wiscombe and his capable staff in planning, organizing, and executing life-changing concert and travel experiences. The Orange High School Choir has...
by Music Celebrations | Aug 8, 2017 | Blog, Ireland
The Southwest Michigan Chorale (combination of singers from St. Joseph United Methodist Church and the Southwestern Michigan College) represented Michigan as they toured Ireland and performed in the American Celebration of Music concert series. Jim Kraus reports:...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 17, 2017 | Blog, Ireland
The Floyd Central High School Choir participated in the 2017 Dublin Choral Festival. Three days of rehearsals led them to a grand finale performance in the historic, stunning, and oldest medieval cathedral in Ireland, Christ Church Cathedral Dublin. Read what...