

The purpose of Music Celebrations International is to provide life-changing experiences that will raise the level of musicianship and dedication to the performing arts around the globe!  Our vision enthusiastically embraces Ludwig Van Beethoven’s statement that music can change the world.


Music Celebrations International provides unique performance and educational opportunities to performing groups by offering:

  • Prestigious events to which recommended groups receive official invitations, generating far more support and excitement than an ordinary concert tour.
  • Access to superior venues due to the official recognition of the festival or event (often these are venues to which there would ordinarily be no access).
  • Association with some of the world’s oldest and finest music festivals.
  • Publicity for concerts via posters, daily and weekly press publications, media (TV and radio) public service announcements, sponsorships etc.

The fact that so many groups use Music Celebrations International (MCI) again and again attests to the quality of our work. MCI’s goal is to match highly recommended performing ensembles with prestigious national and international festivals, commemorative events, anniversaries and other happenings. These might include centennials, bicentennials, birth anniversaries of renowned individuals such as statesmen or composers, or other dates which commemorate historic events and religious celebrations worldwide.

MCI staff members are uniquely comprised of experienced musicians and travel agents who have an excellent, almost instinctual understanding of the special needs and considerations of music directors and their performing groups.

Concert Tours

Music Celebrations produces spectacular concert tours in over 100 countries on six continents.

Religious Tours

Be called to an inspirational and purposeful music pilgrimage to trace the life of Jesus in the Holy Land, sing Mass in the Vatican, or follow in the footsteps of the great founders and pioneers of your faith.


Music Celebrations International produces outstanding instrumental and choral festivals in the world’s greatest performance venues.


Showcase your marching band in one of these sensational events.

The national and international prestige of MCI-affiliated festivals requires that invited groups already have a proven record of performance excellence and must be recommended by such national organizations as the Music Educators National Conference, American Choral Directors Association, American String Teachers Association, American School Band Directors Association, Chorus America or others. Directors and participants are able to revel in the sheer joy of performing in meaningful, historical, significant, and musically-satisfying circumstances.

MCI’s commitment is that every director and participating musical group has a memorable and exceptional musical experience. MCI espouses a philosophy recently expressed quite eloquently by a participating director:




“Music isn’t about competition. It has to do with how we feel and ideas that cannot be expressed in words. There is a world that is not verbal, and that’s a world of music.”

Meet the MCI Staff

First and foremost MCI is a professional performance tour organizer, but it is also an accredited travel agency, fully licensed and bonded to assist with all of the necessary travel arrangements for participating groups at substantial discounts.

Our separate Performance Department is staffed by experienced musicians and travel agents who have an excellent, almost instinctive understanding of the special needs and considerations of music directors and their performing groups.

A typical festival package includes venue selection and scheduling, transportation, accommodations, and opportunities to experience the local color and culture.