
The Missouri Western State University Choir represented Missouri in the American Celebration of Music concert series in Ireland. Their customized, eight-day tour gave them a brief introduction to the many wonders in Ireland.  They were graciously received by enthusiastic audiences wherever they performed. Dr. Elise Hepworth reports:

“Your company is brilliant. I am so impressed with every detail. Not one thing went awry during the whole week. It is hard for me to name a personal highlight. It was such an incredibly emotional and overwhelming experience to perform in such incredible venues with the audiences we had in attendance. The organization of the venues coupled with our tour manager, Irwin Johnston, was both a personal and group highlight. The variety of experiences we had in just a short week was so incredibly satisfying.

My “MCI Team” is incredibly talented, patient, and organized. They are wonderful communicators, and are equally kind and generous. I have gained three friends through this 18-month long experience. I am so very impressed with the teamwork and staff collaboration. The tour was perfectly tailored to our wants and needs, and these three have all to do with the success of this experience. A million times, THANK YOU!!!! MWSU Choirs are your new BIGGEST FANS.

I am so pleased and intend to organize another trip in 2020 with MCI! Austria and Germany, here we come!”

Dr. Elise Hepworth, Director
Missouri Western State University