“Voyages of Discovery – Celebrating American Music in France and Italy,” the recently completed tour undertaken by two symphonic choruses from Florida – Key Chorale of Sarasota and the Southwest Florida Symphony Chorus of Fort Myers – and managed by Music Celebrations International, has been pronounced a great success by all those involved. The trip, which took place from July 6 – 16, began in Geneva, Switzerland with a relaxed city tour before the 118 participants boarded buses to drive to Chamonix, France, at the foot of Mont Blanc, where three days were spent rehearsing the various tour programs and indulging in various activities such as white-water rafting, kayaking and exploring the mountain before giving a well-attended concert in L’Eglise St. Michel. Next stop was Nice, where a visit to the Marc Chagall Museum was a high point. Tours to Monte Carlo and Cannes were followed by a concert for a large and appreciative audience in the Basilique Notre Dame de Nice. Moving on to Italy, the group toured the Duomo of Milan and had a private visit to the interior of the famous La Scala opera house. In Bresso, a suburb of Milan and the home of one of Key Chorale’s supporters, Piero Rivolta, the group was treated to a lunch in the gardens of Villa Rivolta, next door to the IsoRivolta Automotive Design museum, still under construction, before a “sold out” concert in the San Carlo church, at which the city’s brass band and government officials gave the group a special welcome. The next day saw a move to Treviso, the Sister City of Sarasota, and a concert in the Asolo Duomo, celebrating the “twinning” of the two cities at a special reception and a ceremony with local officials. The final day was spent in Venice, with tours of the Ducal Palace, gondola excursions and a visit to the Murano glass factory before the grand finale: A sung mass in the magnificent surroundings of the Basilica San Marco, a moving and magical experience and a fitting close to an outstanding tour. Throughout the trip, guides, drivers, food and accommodations were of very high quality, thanks to meticulous preparation by MCI.

Richard Storm, Executive Director Key Chorale Sarasota, Florida