
The Art of Traveling



Some food for thought on the art of traveling the world.


Travel lightly. Leave your non-essential items at home. You are not traveling for people to see you as much as you are there to see the world.

Travel expectantly.  Every place you visit is like a package waiting to be opened.  Untie the strings with adventurous expectations and a positive attitude.

Travel humbly.  Visit people and places with respect for their traditions and ways of life.

Travel courteously.  Consideration for others around you will ensure a successful and pleasant journey.

Travel gratefully.  Show appreciation for the many things that your hosts are doing for your enjoyment and comfort.

Travel with an open mind. Enjoy the new and unfamiliar, and leave your prejudices at home. Don’t be afraid of a little spontaneity. You’re away from home, after all!

Travel with curiosity.  It is not how far you go, but how much you enjoy the journey in the process. Henry David Thoreau wrote a big book about tiny Walden Pond, after all.

Travel fearlessly.  Banish worry and timidity; the world belongs to you just as you belong to the world, though continue to move about with courtesy and respect.

Travel patiently.  It takes time to understand others, especially when there are barriers of language and custom; be flexible and adaptable to all situations.

Travel with the spirit of a world citizen.  You’ll discover that people are very much the same around the world.  Be an ambassador of good will to all people.