Thank you again, it has been a pleasure working with you! Performing for the Percy Grainger Festival was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Thank you for the opportunity! Everything was fantastic. The clinic with Col. Arnald D. Gabriel was a once in a lifetime experience. I am so lucky that I was able to share the podium with such an amazing icon. It was one of the highlights of my life….let alone my career. During our performance of the Grainger, I looked up at the pipe organ and had an introspective moment when I realized that I was standing in the same spot as Bernstein once stood and made one of the most iconic/famous recordings of Shostakovich 7 in history. It was one of the top 5 experiences of my entire life! Sharing all of this with my students was a highlight of my entire life. Just a fantastic trip!
Justin Harvison, Director
Germantown High School
IS there any way I can get a video of their performance. I would really appreciate it
Hi David,
Unfortunately, there wasn’t any video taken of the event. However, we do have audio of the performance if you would be interested in that.