The experience with The United States Air Force Band was one of the most outstanding musical experiences our band members have ever had. It was wonderful! They acted as though they were truly glad we were there and they gave us a tremendous musical experience, playing with us and working with their assistant conductor, Lt. Col. Donald Schofield who did amazing things in helping our band to improve their performance.
Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band performing at the Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial concert was a wonderful experience, as we were expecting. What a thrilling place to perform! We had many great comments from the folks that stopped to listen, which made it even better. It was easily the most inspiring location at which most of our band members will ever perform.
Lake Oswego Millennium Band at Arlington National Cemetery
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Wreath Laying was also an inspiring event. The veterans from our band were emotionally captivated by their participation in the process. The remainder of the band also felt the pride, humbleness, reverence and joy our active participant veterans felt. It will be a definite highlight in our memories. Sightseeing was well done and comprehensive. We saw and did a lot, but not too much in the short time, we had to devote to seeing the sights. It was well done and our guides were very easy to work with in arranging what we wanted to experience.
I will be high in my praise for the organizational skills and the devotion that was given to our band as Alyssa and Cathy developed our trip. They were outstanding and did a marvelous job. Working with MCI was a pleasure and we had a marvelous trip. You may use me as a reference for MCI, knowing I will be high in my praise for your efforts on our behalf.
Dale Cleland, Musical Director
Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band
Lake Oswego, OR