
In the Footsteps of John & Charles Wesley

Great Britain has a long history that has created traditions that will stand forever, but one notices a great forward-looking optimism in this land of Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Churchill, the Windsors, and the Wesleys.



Continuing the excitement created with the John Wesley Tercentenary in 2003 and the Charles Wesley Tercentenary in 2007, we are pleased to offer pilgrimage tours to Britain that follows the “footsteps” of the Wesley brothers. Each year, many thousands visit the historic sites of Methodism associated with John and Charles Wesley, Francis Asbury and the early Methodists.

Not only is this an opportunity to visit Wesley-related sites, but you will also perform in many Wesley-related venues and other incredible choral settings in Britain. We are pleased to publicize your concerts as part of the American Celebration of Music in Britain concert series, co-sponsored by the cities of London, Cardiff, York and Stratford-upon-Avon C a prestigious international festival. Recognition of this festival facilitates greater access to venues, official publicity, and generally very successful concert arrangements.

A concert/festival experience in Great Britain offers a unique combination of music, history and heritage. Performance opportunities range from the most prestigious cathedrals (Westminster Abbey/St. Margaret’s, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Christ Church Cathedral) to castle grounds, theaters and historic Wesley-related churches. Britain offers numerous and unique opportunities for shared concerts and exchanges with local performing groups.

We look forward to working with you on this exceptional experience to pay homage to two of the great reformers in the reformation movement and the most prolific Hymn writers of all time.

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