
Several factors can drive the When of your performance tour including holidays, special events and festivals, the schedules of participants (school breaks, work schedule, vacations, etc.) and your ensemble (local performance schedule), organization policies, price considerations, and even Mother Nature! The following are some important things to consider:

School Groups: If your musical ensemble is composed of students, scheduling a performance tour during one of the four standard vacation periods will help the students avoid missing school. The longest of these vacations is typically the winter holiday but travel costs can be high during this time and the holidays are often reserved for families. Late winter breaks provide opportunity to tour especially in warm weather destinations. Because spring breaks are popular times for tours, reservations and plans need to be made well in advance. Some student groups also plan their concert tours in summer as schedules are fairly flexible. Organizing the students when they are not in school can pose challenges but these challenges are not insurmountable.

Travel Industry/Seasons: The travel industry generally recognizes three distinct travel seasons: high (typically summer, which generally runs from May/June to August), low (typically winter, which generally runs from mid or late October to mid March) and shoulder (typically spring which generally runs from mid/late March to late June, and fall which generally runs from late August to mid/late October). These seasons may be factors worth considering as weather, crowds and prices/fares can obviously impact your tour.

Special Events/Festivals: If you have targeted a festival or special event around which to schedule your concert tour, this will naturally determine your travel dates.

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