
Parc Guell in Barcelona

As you know, one of the main reasons I continue to use Music Celebrations International [MCI], without evaluating other options, is your people. We love the comfort in knowing that MCI knows the countries and venues that are welcome to groups such as ours. We appreciate the attention to detail and that we are always surrounded by music professionals. We sang in amazing churches to great crowds. The MCI staff did a wonderful job promoting our concerts. Every one of our city guides was a true expert in their area. In fact our city guide in Barcelona –Susanna-was an educated and trained singer and she not only came to our concert in Barcelona but we invited her to sing the entire concert with us. She joined us again while we were in Madrid to sing at that concert. This was truly a memorable experience for all of us!

Pat Snider, Tour Coordinator Georgia Symphony Orchestra Chorus Kennesaw, Georgia