Schola Cantorum of Sacred Heart Church in Italy

Schola Cantorum of Sacred Heart Church in Italy

“Music Celebrations provided us with many opportunities we wish we might have had with our former tour company. Concert audiences were 20 times what we had 4 years ago in England, and the venues in Italy were magnificent! Travel arrangements came off without a hitch,...
St. Agnes Cathedral Choirs Tour Italy

St. Agnes Cathedral Choirs Tour Italy

100 Singers from the St. Agnes Cathedral Choirs, under the direction of Michael L. Bower, recently toured Italy, singing in prestigious places, including St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, San Lorenzo in Florence, and St. Mark’s in...
Suzuki Strings of Hampton Roads in Italy

Suzuki Strings of Hampton Roads in Italy

“For those who have never traveled to Europe, MCI offers a great experience that cannot be duplicated on your own. You have the opportunity to see sights,  hear guides, receive accommodations and get a schedule that allows you to optimize your time and investment in...