by Music Celebrations | Aug 21, 2012 | Ireland
There were many highlights. Every concert was an amazing experience for the women because of the power of the music and the camaraderie within the ensemble. Our women felt very blessed to have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to sing as the Women’s Chorale in such...
by Music Celebrations | Aug 20, 2012 | Ireland
The Kansas State University Chamber Orchestra took part in an 11-day concert tour of Ireland earlier this year as part of the American Celebration of Music in Ireland. The director, Dr. David Littrell, had this to say about the experience:We’re back safely from...
by Music Celebrations | Aug 13, 2012 | Ireland
Where can I begin to express our appreciation for a most memorable trip? This trip far exceeded my every expectation. Special thanks to Dan for “talking me down” when there were three people who had no seats on the plane in Pittsburgh. He was so right: they had to...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 31, 2012 | Ireland
“Wonderful musical experiences! Lovely scenery, interesting sight-seeing (in spite of the rain), excellent hotel accommodations, great meals and wonderful concerts. All in all, a very positive tour to Ireland. I thought that all performances were wonderful –...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 31, 2012 | Ireland
“Thanks to all of you for your hard work. We were well taken care of. Your on-site staff was superb (can’t say enough nice things about our tour manager!) and my interaction with your office was great as always! This tour was what I have come to expect from MCI –...
by Music Celebrations | Jul 31, 2012 | Ireland
“Our recent tour to Ireland and Scotland was a great success. This was our third tour with Music Celebrations. Our tour manager was the best we have ever had. Both he and the bus driver became part of our group and quickly became dear friends. Our concerts were...