Bel Canto Singers Tour the British Isles

Bel Canto Singers Tour the British Isles

“The Bel Canto Singers wish to thank you and your staff for another wonderful concert tour. Our tour to the British Isles was well planned, with all details of travel, housing, meals, touring, etc. in place and was a real joy for me, as conductor. Once we boarded our...
Peabody Children’s Chorus Tours England

Peabody Children’s Chorus Tours England

All in all, the [Somerset Youth Choral] Festival was a TERRIFIC!!! experience for every one of us: children, chaperones, directors and Shadow Tour members. Thank you! The day of the festival concert-the rehearsal, the tour, the free time in Wells and finally the...

Lovett Singers Tour London

Lovett has a rich tradition of excellence in choral music but hadn’t traveled overseas in 30 years. Last spring we spoke to the students and parents and decided that there was enough interest in an overseas trip. We decided on a tour that would occur just before the...