
The Bosque School Choir of Albuquerque, New Mexico recently returned from their tour of Italy and performed at the 2014 Rome Choral Festival this past June. Director Joanna Hart spoke about the ensemble’s experiences and highlights abroad:

“Everything was very well run and very professional.  It was a lot to do in eight days and we were all happily exhausted!    My personal highlight was the “moment” of having just the choir ushered beyond the barricade at St. Peter’s Basilica before the mass.  It gave me goose bumps to watch my students proudly walking back behind the incredible art work and structure of the IMG_7137 Basilica to go and sing in the most historic church in the world. It was surreal.   I think for the performers many would say that was an incredible moment but also the concert at Santa Maria sopra Minerva. Everything went so well in the concert and to have such an enthusiastic audience that asked us to sing the spiritual again because they wanted more was phenomenal. They had many other highlights as well!  Musically speaking, this was a phenomenal experience. It was such a spectacular space filled with artwork, marble pillars, a  Michelangelo statue, and history that it made for a stunning performance that left many audience members in tears.  Our students were so proud and excited after the concert, it was what they had been working toward for the past year.” “I would recommend this experience to anyone.” – Joanna Hart, Director, Bosque School Choir 0401[1]