
The Vero Beach High School Philharmonic Orchestra embarked on a customized, ten-day tour to Austria as part of the American Celebration of Music concert series. Director Matthew Stott reports:

“Many people asked me throughout the last year if all of the fundraising work in preparation for this trip was going to be worth it. My cliché answer was that I wouldn’t know for at least another ten years. In the immediate aftermath of the trip, I think that it was. Walking in the footsteps of Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Strauss and so many more was priceless. Witnessing beauty, both man-made and natural throughout the country was overwhelming. Experiencing cultural differences, from culinary to language was eye-opening.


Thank you for all that MCI did to provide a wonderful experience for us. Our local Tour Escorts went above and beyond throughout the trip and worked extremely hard. They were knowledgeable, patient, and caring. Students and chaperones all loved them. Every tour and excursion was meaningful and memorable. Flexible ‘add-ons’ during leisure afternoons were some of our best moments of the trip. Personal highlights include the musical moments created as an ensemble performing in the final two churches, and watching my students see and try so many things for the first time. Highlight for the performers: most will tell you the final concert at Minoritenkirche. Many said their highlight was the optional excursion to Eagle’s Nest. Several students also loved the salt mine. Please feel free to use me as a reference.”

Matthew (Matt) Stott, Director
Vero Beach High School Orchestra