With singers taking their places for their choral workshop just two days prior to our Memorial Day Choral Festival, a heartwarming story came our way. Our staff overheard Edie, a member of the First Lutheran Church choir, recounting that she would be achieving a personal goal singing at the Kennedy Center. Inspired by Edie’s story, we knew we had to share it with everyone. So, we invited her to tell her story in her own words.
I owe an immense debt of gratitude to MCI for holding events like this – and even more to the wonderful friends and improbable circumstances that granted me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I might call it a 40-year dream come true, except that I never dared dream it.
Way back when our President Kennedy was killed and this place was underway, I thought, “I really want to see that.” Almost 20 years went by, and I had a professional activity in Washington. I used my only free time to attend the only event I could get a ticket for – a totally Unmemorable performance but a dream fulfilled at the Kennedy Center. As I sat there, I thought, “wow! Wouldn’t it be amazing to sing in this space?!”
Another 20-some years later, here I am — singing my heart out in honor of my WWII veteran Dad! If you have a voice and a heart for singing, don’t ever stop. Don’t say, “I’m not good enough to make a LIVING.” Sing to enrich your LIFE! Sing in any group you can find because your song can enrich someone ELSE’s life. Take it seriously – be a loyal choir member and learn more every practice as you go. You just never know what door may open. Be ready. 🤗🎶
Edie Holcomb – Member of the First Lutheran Church Choir, Fargo ND
Music Celebrations International aims to elevate global musicianship and passion for the performing arts through transformative experiences. We share Beethoven's belief that music can change the world.