The Appleton East High School Patriots performed this year in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. Especially during this time of year in D.C., those who visit are reminded of and honor those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms. Margaret LaFleur, band director at Appleton East High School said this about an experience they had visiting the Vietnam Memorial:

Appleton East High School Patriots in the National Memorial Day Parade
“Best moment ever was the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on this weekend – I was crying at the wall; just thinking of all the pain those people went through and looking around at my students. Wondering to myself – what are they thinking? Are they really taking in all the wealth of this experience, especially with all these veterans sharing their story??
Just then, a vet came up behind me, and said, “Sister, are you alright?”
I told him “yes – I just want my students to understand so badly!!”
He quietly looked me in the eyes and softly said – “you’ve got it all wrong. I fought that war so they would never understand.”
That is one of those moments I was able to share with the students….and while they may not have cried, they were changed. We all were.
It was such a great experience, that I think every band director should do this tour and march in the National Memorial Day Parade.”
Margaret LaFleur, Band Director
Appleton East High School